Drug Addiction and Rehab in Springfield, MO

Drug addiction and rehab centers deal with a wide array of drug and alcohol problems, from binge drinking and drug abuse through to full-blown physical addictions. Drug addiction and rehab treatment varies widely across the United States, with individual programs administered according to the needs and expectations of each client. Common treatment methods include crisis intervention, medical detox, outpatient rehab, residential rehab, relapse prevention, and aftercare support services. Drug addiction and rehab centers manage a wide range of drug problems, including legal drugs like alcohol, prescription medications such as morphine and Xanax, and illicit drugs such as meth and cocaine.

What is Drug Addiction?

A drug addiction is defined by the compulsive consumption of drugs despite the existence of negative consequences. Addictions can manifest in many ways and are often accompanied by physical and psychological dependence. An addiction is a learned behavior that typically develops slowly over time as the brain changes its structure in relation to chemical exposure. In order for something to be considered addictive, it has to be both intrinsically rewarding and positively reinforcing, with people seeking repeated exposure in order to experience pleasure or starve of sickness. In addition to psychoactive drug addictions, it’s also possible for people to get addicted to certain behaviors such as shopping, sex, gambling, and exercise.

Drug Withdrawal and Detox in Springfield, MO

When dependent people stop using drugs or alcohol, physical-somatic or emotional-motivational withdrawal symptoms are often experienced. Detoxification is often advised at the outset of the treatment period, including medical detox programs that are designed to reduce the severity of specific symptoms. Medical detox is generally recommended whenever a physical withdrawal syndrome is present, as is the case with many alcoholics, heroin addicts, prescription opiate addicts, and prescription sedative addicts. In contrast, stimulant drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine are not known to cause physical withdrawal symptoms, with detox only used to enforce abstinence and stabilize patients prior to rehab.

Drug Treatment

The drug treatment process includes a number of individual stages that are designed to work in unison. A crisis intervention may be required at the beginning of this process, with many drug addicts in complete denial about the extent of their problems. If needed, medical detox is then initiated, with various medications applied depending on the substance and extent of addiction. Medical detox serves a couple of different purposes, not just enabling the cessation of drug intake but also providing a safe and secure environment where patients can go through withdrawal. Rehabilitation programs are designed to follow detox, with most programs based on cognitive, behavioral, and motivational principles. While detox enables drug discontinuation in a safe and supportive environment, rehab is needed to address the precursors of drug addiction.


Aftercare programs play a vital role in the addiction treatment process, with recovering addicts likely to relapse if they don’t engage with ongoing treatment. Common examples of aftercare include sober living houses, relapse prevention programs, 12-step support groups, SMART Recovery, and group counseling. If you need to access drug treatment services for any kind of substance use disorder, just give our recovery advocates at Springfield Drug Treatment Centers a call. Our number is (217) 318-3600.